In the interest of keeping used products and merchandise moving through the 'system' and lightening the load of our landfills,
Craigslist exists as a great local resource to find new homes for old stuff. I've been using the site in west coast cities for six or seven years and have never had a bad, much less disappointing experience.
Whether searching for home decor, stuff for the baby,
Satsuma Designs sales reps around the country, singing lessons or help wanted, the Craigslist community has never treated me wrong.
Until now, and mind you, it's not that dramatic, but there were definitely a few misreps about the 'antique' hutch I went to scope for a new addition to our dining room.
Sadly, the 'solid wood' turned out to be veneer, the 'antique' status (100 years old+) was open for debate and its current location was a haul from home.
And so in the spirit of
Caveat Emptor, I thought it wise to post a few buying tips for sites from Craig et al.
1. Always negotiate on price.
2. Don't drive more than 20 miles to a prospective purchase (not only is gas a consideration, but if it turns out to be a bust, you won't be as bummed). Instead try searches on your city and local neighborhoods and try to stay in a 10 mile radius of home.
3. Can pay cash, but get a written receipt even if it's on a piece of scrap paper.
4. Try to speak to the seller before either arranging a viewing or purchase. It's good to get the sound of the person you're dealing with. In the hutch case, the seller sounded like a gem, but obviously not that informed about what he was selling.
5. Ask questions on the phone and take a list on the visit.
6. Bring your measurements of the location it will go or in the case of something that is to hold something else, a sample of what it's to hold. Eg. With the hutch, I took a plate and a wine glass to ensure they'd fit.
7. Take a camera to snap for either later comparison or time to mull over for a final decision.
8. Have fun and feel good about reusing someone's once loved X, Y or Z!